Sunday, 28 February 2016

Fibre diet - the last week

Well, my fibre reintroduction diet has now ended. The last high-fibre food I reintroduced was baked beans, and I was fine with them. I shall now have those every other week instead of every week which I had been doing before the diet.

I saw my dietician on Thursday and he was happy with what I had done, and pleased that it worked out all right for me. I told him what the gastroenterologist said about taking laxatives and he was aghast, asking me why. He said no. I am seeing him again in April for a review. I told him what I had found out about eating fibre - that too much disagrees with me, and I have to have a decent space of time during each piece of fibre otherwise that has an effect on me. I see the gastroenterologist again in a couple of weeks time, when the junior doctors are on strike.

I tried hemp seed milk this morning with cornflakes and didn't like it. Tasted too nutty to me and took the taste of the cornflakes away. I have thrown that away. I prefer the coconut milk.

So, that what how the reintroduction diet went for me. I hope you have learnt some things from these posts. The next post will be about the link between IBS and fibre and what I have learnt.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Week 5 of the reintroduction fibre diet

So, this is the fifth and final week of the fibre reintroduction diet I have been on via my dietician. I have finally got round to being able to have nuts and beans again. Here is how it has been going.

Thursday I had 6 walnut halves and I was fine. But I had 6 more on Friday and wasn't fine. I had to pop somewhere. So, I have come to the conclusion that I can't eat walnuts one day after the other like I used to. When I have them again, there will be a break between the next amount I have.

I had a 9bar breakfast boost raspberry and almond bar yesterday. I was fine with it, which was good news for me as I really liked it because it tasted like a bakewell tart.

Also yesterday I tried Nutribix, which is made with 96% wholegrain sorghum. I got slight stomach pains after that, so threw the rest away. I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to eat that it being so much wholegrain.

I have yet to try baked beans, which will be tomorrow, so will post about that next time.

My conclusions about fibre so far is: 1. I can't eat too much in one go, and have to space them out during the day. Last week I had oats for breakfast, a seed bar for lunch and a pickled onion for dinner, and I ended up visiting a small room a few times more than necessary. Also, I can't eat complete wholegrain foods. I can eat foods if they are under 70% wholegrain. The pot of oats I had last week was only 56% oats.

Let you know how I get on with the beans next time.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Reintroduction fibre diet - Week 4

So, this week I have reintroduced GF wholegrain crackers. I have 3 for lunch with different toppings.

I was fine with those. I have also been eating the oatcakes again with peanut butter on and I was fine with those. No headaches during the night. I think that was due to not having any air during the day.

Yesterday, I reintroduced oat porridge into my diet. I had it with warm coconut milk.

I don't know where you can buy this one, but I won this as part of the huge Free From goodie box from Holland and Barratt's last year. This was really delicious, esp the golden syrup taste. Didn't need sugar or jam with it. And I was fine with it. But then, this morning I had warm coconut milk with cornflakes and I got stomach pains and the runs. I have written this on my diet chart to show the dietician when I see him later this month.

Next time I shall try either millet porridge again or Nutribix. That will be Tuesday.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

My high-fibre reintroduction diet

So, it is the third week of reintroducing high-fibre foods I hadn't been eating back into my usual diet. How has it gone so far? Well, after I wrote here last, I had tinned pineapple rings that had been in the fridge a few days. I made the mistake of eating them instead of throwing them away. I had stomach pains and the runs after that. So, in future, I told my mum that if we have tinned fruit in the fridge, we have to eat it up as soon as. Other than that, all the foods I have been eating again, I have been fine with.

I have reintroduced Brussels and have been fine with them, although I did have a bit of gas last night. Will only have 5 not 6 next time. I have been fine with spring and pickled onions, just as long as I don't have too many in a short space of time. This week I have been eating gluten-free oatcakes again, with peanut butter. I haven't had any digestion issues, but the strange thing was, for the first two nights after eating them again, I woke up during the night with a bad headache. So, last night, I only had a scraping of peanut butter on it and I was fine. It might not be that, it could be thoughts, it could be too much sugary stuff I've eaten during the day.

Today I have started eating gluten-free wholegrain crackers. I had 3 and have been fine so far with them. Will have them again. I won't have those and the oatcakes in one day. That would be too much wholegrain food.

The other thing I have been trying is coconut milk. I bought one by Alpro.

The first morning I had it warm with Whole Earth organic cornflakes and I had no problems. It tastes really coconutty unlike the last one I tried. Maybe because it has coconut cream and milk in it. The second morning I had it cold with the cornflakes.

This time I wasn't OK. I had stomach pains after it. So, I will try it again tomorrow but warm, and see what happens, if anything. I have a hemp seed milk to try too. I want a milk I can have warm with porridge, which is my next high-fibre food to reintroduce.

Shall pop in again next week with how I have been getting on. See you then.