Friday, 29 July 2011

Help needed

The week of 22 August is 'Love Your Gut' week, so all about healthy eating. To celebrate this I am doing workshops with children at Grove Park community library on 23rd August, and the workshop I have in mind for the little children involves collecting pictures of fruit and veg so they can make a collage with them on card. I have been collecting pictures from mags and papers but will need lots more in the hope of having lots of participants for it. So here is where I need help from you, my readers out there.

1. If you live near Grove Park community library, please could you hand in any pictures of fruit and veg to them, either to Mhari or Kaiya, and say that it is for Julie Day's event on 23 August.


2. If you don't live near the library, but know me and live locally, please could you email me and I can give you my address to send any pictures to.

The more I have the better, esp if I end up doing a similar workshop at another local community library. Here's to healthy eating.

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