Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Textile recycling

What do you do with your old or unwanted clothes/handbags/shoes etc? Do you give them to the charity shop? Put them in a textile recycling bank? Or sell them on ebay? Well I do the first two, and haven't tried the last one yet, but dont' you wish that sometimes you could get money back on the clothes you don't want? Well, there is an answer to this if you live in the Beckenham area. A leaflet came through my letterbox the other day from a company called Clothes4Cash based in Beckenham at the Big Yellow Self Storage Co Ltd there. They buy unwanted clothes, soft toys and perfumes and will give you cash for them for various weights. 1kg = 50p, 10kg = £5 and 1000kg = £500. I would very much like to get cash back on any clothes etc that I don't want anymore but I don't know how to get there, and it is easier and more convenient for me to either give to the local charity shop or take the to nearest textile bank. I shall keep the leaflet though and have a good think about this as it is a v good idea.

If you find anything like this in your area, please let me know and I can blog about it to let others know.

Next time I will let you know what recycling bins I have seen in my travels, mainly to hospitals.

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